World / Germany / Hesse / Heppenheim /

Photo album Heppenheim old town and Starkenburg

Photos from the beautiful old town of Heppenheim and Starkenburg
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Excursion destination in Hesse

05/2020 Excursion destinations in Germany and Hesse are likely to become even more important in the near future. At the weekend we explored the city of Heppenheim with its beautiful old town. After the old town with the beautiful half-timbered houses on the Great Market Square, we continued to the Starkenburg. A very nice walk.

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Attractions Heppenheim old town and Starkenburg

Attractions Heppenheim old town and Starkenburg

Town hall on the big market square in Heppenheim

Town hall on the big market square in Heppenheim

Ramholz Castle in autumn

Ramholz Castle in autumn

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#Germany #Hesse #Heppenheim #market square #old town #Starkenburg #castle